Iconic Motion Golf

Move Better.

Play Better.

Founded in service of fellow golfers, to help them improve their performance through athletic preparation.


Body-Swing Compatibility

Iconic Motion takes an individualized approach to improvement. This means recognizing that each golfer’s body has a unique combination of physical characteristics and the motion of the golf swing is bound by these characteristics. An effective improvement plan is one that harmonizes the motion of the swing with the physical abilities of each golfer.

Sport Oriented

In training for any sport, it is obvious that you should prepare your body for its specific demands. Despite this, most golfers do not prepare as athletes. Equipment purchases or skills practice can certainly help, but do not constitute a complete improvement plan. Neglecting the physical demands of a sport can lead to frustration and injury. If you want to play your best for as long as possible, investing time in improving your athleticism is essential.

How does athleticism impact golf performance?


It is nearly impossible to overstate the statistical importance of distance to your score. However most golfers lose distance over time and most never developed power correctly in the first place. Would you like to hit the ball further? With the right physical training and speed plan in place, it is absolutely possible at any age.


Many golfers play injured and do not address the underlying causes. This places your body at increased risk for more serious injury and may keep you off the course for long periods of time. What can you do to reduce pain, bounce back from injuries sooner or better yet, prevent them altogether?


As age related physical changes inevitably arise,the loss of mobility, stability, strength and power can impact your ability to swing a golf club efficiently. Can anything be done to counteract these changes? How can you maintain a high level of play for many years to come?


    The Iconic Motion process is not a classic fitness routine. It is an advanced type of fitness and biomechanics evaluation that has been specifically designed to help golfers understand and meet the unique physical demands of golf. From the outset, each part of the evaluation was meticulously chosen with an eye toward improving golf performance. This is for the golfer that wants to make golf performance the central focus of their regular fitness regimen.


    The Iconic Motion evaluation includes a best in class golf specific physical exam, but it does not stop there. Advanced technologies are used to measure ground reaction forces and track the 3-Dimensional motion of your body as you swing. This additional step unlocks key insights about how your physical abilities are actually expressed in your golf swing.

  • The Iconic Motion services are meant to work in concert with, not instead of regular golf instruction. Often there are underlying physical reasons why a golfer may be struggling to meet their golf goals. The Iconic Motion evaluation will identify these physical issues and a personal golf fitness program will be developed to improve them.

    Along with your fitness routine, some swing modifications may be necessary. Your teaching professional or golf coach will be informed of all your physical and biomechanics data so they can decide which modifications are necessary and how to effectively implement these changes.

the Iconic Motion system

physical Evaluation

The physical evaluation measures your physical capabilities in discrete areas of fitness including mobility, stability, movement skills, strength and power. This evaluation was developed with the specific physical requirements of golf in mind.

Biomechanics evaluation

A golf biomechanics exam measures how your physical abilities are expressed during the actual motion of your golf swing. Specialized ground and body sensors measure force, pressure, velocity, acceleration, deceleration, positioning and more.

Body-swing Diagnosis

The body-swing diagnosis is a professional interpretation of all the physical and biomechanics data. It establishes very informative links between your physical abilities and the motion of your golf swing. A simple prioritized problem list is created that lays the foundation for an action plan.

custom fitness plan

Objective data allow for the establishment of goals that are remarkably measurable and serve as progress checkpoints. Expert diagnostics unlock key insights into how your body influences your swing. The result is a comprehensive golf fitness plan that is not just golf specific, but extraordinarily personalized.

regular Follow-up

There are several distinct physical attributes that make up the athletic golfer and some are pre-requisites for others. True progress is the compounding effect of many small improvements over time. Regular follow up allows you to continually measure your small improvements and keep advancing. As you see your hard work manifest as measurable change, your motivation to continue working hard will grow.

  • The energy of the golf swing starts at the ground and is then transferred through the upper body to the club. A ground force analysis measures the magnitude, location and timing of forces you apply to the ground during your swing. Optimizing these ground forces builds the foundation of power.

    Want even more details about ground mechanics? Click here to read an in depth article.

  • 3D motion capture measures the rotational velocity of the pelvis, chest, lead arm, and club. It also measures the order in which they accelerate and decelerate. This makes it possible to visualize how efficiently energy is transferred through the upper body to the club. These measurements make it clear where you are gaining or losing speed. 3D motion capture also measures detailed information about posture which helps foster quality contact.

    Want even more details about 3D motion capture? Click here to read an in depth article.